Saturday, September 29, 2012

Whatcha Lookin' At?

There is a mantra out there for nervous gym-goers that they shouldn’t worry because every person at the gym is too busy with their own workout to watch what they are doing.  Personally, I find this a load of crap.  I may be busy at the gym with my own workout, but that doesn’t mean I’m not watching what’s going on around me.  An hour at the gym (whether running on the indoor track or between lifting sessions) means lots of downtime.  Yes, I am going through routines and thinking about form, but I still pay attention to the people around me.  What do I look for/at?

Eye Candy
I’m just gonna start with this one and get it out of the way.  Yes, I look at cute/hot/muscular people at the gym.  If you work out at my gym and are doing something active (ie: not machines), I’ve probably checked you out.  And, from the upstairs track to the lifting area and basketball court downstairs, there’s eye candy.  I look.  Get over it.  J

What are You Wearing
From cute clothes to race shirts to funny shirts to my continued obsession with what anyone wears on their feet, I’m looking.  I like the superhero shirts the best with race shirts coming in a close second.  And, if you’re in barefoot shoes, I’m instantly smitten.  <3

Good Form Lifts
My gym is notorious for lifters with terrible form – ie: half squats and curling in the squat rack.  So, when I see someone breaking the rules to lift barefoot or see someone doing a squat past parallel at the gym, I stop to watch so I can learn something.  If I see one of these people doing something I don’t know how to do, I might ask about proper procedure.  (Note: that’s still a might…I don’t like to interrupt others’ workouts.)  

This is my favorite.  Especially people who transform themselves.  I see someone working their tail off and not just chit  chatting and I love it.  Whether it’s speed training or lifting or boxing, you can tell the people at the gym who are serious about their training.  And, if I see something WOW, I compliment.  Most inspirational are the a-typical gym rats that I see all the time -- anyone who doesn't fit the gym type.  This includes the senior citizen I saw walking around the track with a cane (good for him!) and the larger men and women at the gym plugging away to create their own personal transformations.  These people pull at my heartstrings and remind me that everyone starts somewhere.

So, final word?  If you think nobody is looking when you are working out, you're naive.  People watch...all the time.  But, that doesn't mean that they are judging you.  Don't put your insecurities into other people's heads.  Maybe that girl is looking at you because she likes your shirt...maybe YOU are HER inspiration.  Because everybody starts somewhere...


  1. I have to say, it's good to get a female perspective on this...not to mention something that's true! As you say, people blatantly do check out what's going on at the gym - the spotlight isn't glaringly on people constantly, though.

    Best to just hit your own targets with good form, and hope you inspire someone else :)

  2. I totally do this with runners. Whether I'm driving down the road in the car, playing at the park with the kids, cleaning my own living room, where ever, I look! Young, old, tall, short, big, little, fast, slow, doesn't seem to matter! It's usually followed by me saying, under my breath, "Dude. I wish I was running right now." Yep. I'm a run coveter.
