Friday, January 6, 2012

Level UP!

Did you just see a little green mushroom go by?  Me too....

A couple of months ago, I read an article about a new website created by some self-proclaimed geek gamers.  Evidently, the gamers had both had switched their obsessions from online gaming to bodybuilding.  They realized that trying to improve by leveling and continuing to best yourself worked as well with exercise as it did with online gaming.  It seemed really cool and I tried to join.  Unfortunately, I had to sign up for an invite since the site is still in beta testing.

Well, two days ago, I got to totally GEEK out at work because I FINALLY got my invite!!!  I waited about thirty seconds before signing on to the computer ( work) to join.  While the site doesn't work well at work (it's not super compatible with IE), I was able to play a little with it.  I waited until I got home and checked it out in it's full glory on my netbook.  And, what I found?  A super amazing website that mixes exercise, gaming, and a social FB like atmosphere.

The site features challenges, ways to "level up", achievement badges, quests, and groups to join to meet others.  I immediately joined the running and long distance running groups.  I was amazed at how friendly everyone was.  I am following and am being followed by a few different people.  One of my awesome friends who is training for an Olympic distance tri in April with Team in Training joined too!  She promptly challenged me to a point total race for next week!  2000 points in one week!!!  :)  I'm so going to kick your butt, Tracy!

My favorite part of the site is the social aspect...there is a FB like wall where you can post to your groups and get a newsfeed from them as well.  You can see others' workouts and provide moral support to others.  It's pretty darn cool.

I am currently Level 5.  Only 663 points to LEVEL UP!!  :)  Wanna join?  Email still need an invite!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. green mushrooms are for 1-up not level up :)

  3. Wow...outgeeked and out-Buffied in the same week...*sigh*

  4. And just like that you're Level 7! You are flying around the track and up the rankings. Keep going, because you're doing awesome!

  5. I've been sitting here trying to think of something clever to say, but since my gaming knowledge consists of playing Tetris once in high school.... YAY! Glad you're having fun!

  6. @Martha: I think you would enjoy this site...I even think your hubbie would enjoy this site. It's more addicting than crawling on FB... :) Use the invite I sent you!
