Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh What a Night....

So the theme behind Tuesday night was..."Am I nuts for thinking I can do this???"  But, after some tummy pain today and some serious soreness yesterday, I pushed on and forced myself to do my mile and a half of training today.  That is the equivalent of three laps around our neighborhood block...or so I thought.

The jog started out with a bit of a mechanical issue when I discovered that I really do need an armband for my mp3 player.  One pair of pants has a cool little inside pocket and the other is old and doesn't.  Well, I just stuck the mp3 player (ie: my phone) into my waistband.....not even to the end of the block and the phone is at my knee.  Ugh.  So I guess I'll invest in one of those cool armband dealie-bobs.....

But, as I am trying to fix the mechanical issue...I hear my name being called by my FABULOUS neighbors Bill and Heidi Griesmer as they cheer me on!!!  (Thank guys!!!)  It was such a great thing to know that someone in my neighborhood knew that I wasn't just out being crazy thinking I could jog but were actually cheering on my efforts!  It makes me want to put an "I'm training for the Cols marathon" sign on my lawn like those Pelotonia signs (yay Bill and Heidi again!) that I see every year.  I wonder if they sell those...................

I was super excited when I beat my personal best time clocking in at 18:47 for the three laps.  I was super excited to have completed my 1.5 miles in this time until I looked at my phone (for that cool GPS app) which said I only went 1.25 miles.  WHAT?!?!?!?!  Well, it's still a personal best for the three laps and it really explains why my gym and treadmill pace times have been so much slower.

The good news...I got home from my workout and realized that I CAN do this!!  :)    I'm even thinking about signing up for a 5k in July and a 12k in September to keep me motivated!!

So thanks Bill and Heidi and my fabulous support group!!  I <3 you all!  :)


  1. We're always here to support you! You rock!

  2. I love that your neighbors came out to cheer you on! That's awesome!

  3. I would definitely recommend smaller races before then. They're great practice!

  4. Okay, that's me...Tracy...why my name came up as a giant number I have no idea.
