Monday, July 4, 2011

I Wasn't Last

I completed my second EVER 5K today.  The first race was what I lovingly refer to as the "Shuffle for the Cure" where I completed my 5K in an hour and twenty minutes and there were still THRONGS of people behind me.  The Bexley 5K was a completely different race -- it was a race where people came to actually race and my friend Janine and I were outstripped quite early in the race.  All in all, I was both proud and disappointed in my performance.

I came in at a disappointing 50:52 according to the chip timer (my watch said 50:48) which was well outside of the 45 minute goal I had set for myself.  The good news...I wasn't last.  There were a whole FIVE PEOPLE who came in behind me.  (I was 363 of 368.)  I am personally ignoring the fact that four of those people were over 60.  What that means to me?  There is lots of room for improvement.  And concern that I have been training for 8 weeks and still am not even close to where I want to be.  I think some of it is mental...I had a game plan and didn't follow it.  I let the heat and humidity get to me and used that as an excuse.  My heart rate stayed up in the 70% range for the entire time and that is good.

So, after all that negativity, what am I proud of?  I am proud of the fact that I both started and finished the race jogging.  I stayed positive and cheered both myself and Janine on throughout the race.  And I am proud of the fact that I stayed the course and finished the race.

Official Race Time

1 comment:

  1. It's the small victories that matter. You're doing great. I find setting goals for races helps a lot. For my 5K my goal was 40 minutes and I did it in 41:15. Extremely disappointed to come so close but a year ago I was in the 68 minute range. Keep it going!
