Sunday, October 23, 2011


It's been a week since I completed the Columbus Half and two since I started my new running regimen.  In these couple of weeks, I've been caught off guard with a number of unexpected results. 

1.  Running Time
When I looked at the running plan initially, I laughed to myself when I saw the jump from Week 4 running five minutes to Week 5 running eight minutes.  I figured that I would have to put at least a week in the middle there to allow myself the time to get used to it.  But, I gave eight a shot at the beginning of the week.  I was apprehensive but gave it a shot.  And oddly enough, it was MUCH easier than I thought.  Easy enough that, when challenged and pushed, I skipped straight ahead to nine and was able to complete that ahead of schedule.  In fact, the schedule has become more of a guideline than something specific that I must complete strictly.  I still plan on making 30 minutes by Vets Day but it wouldn't surprise me if I hit that goal earlier than anticipated.  *grin*

2.  Sleep
I knew that running and activity had it's benefits to my looks and overall health...weight loss, my clothes fitting better, tightening notches on my belt, decreased risk of disease.  What has surprised me though is how much better I've been sleeping at night.  No waking in the middle of the night, no difficulties getting out of bed in the morning.  It's been a definite noticeable change that I am enjoying.

3.  Confidence
"If I can complete a half marathon, I can..."  I have found myself using this phrase multiple times this week.  Whether the issue is emotional, physical, or spiritual, it hasn't mattered.  Tackling and completing this challenge has given me an extra confidence boost and source of inspiration that I couldn't have imagined.  I have said goodbye to old friends, questioned decisions at work, and been much more proactive in my own defense on a number of issues.  Which all makes me feel so much better that I can....

4.  Pay it Forward
I only completed a half marathon a week ago and started running two weeks ago and already people are asking me questions.  I don't feel like I'm an expert on either of those things, but I've been asked for help a couple of times.  It is an amazing feeling to be able to pay forward all the advice and help that I've been given over the past months.  I still don't think I'm a great person to come to but I'm happy to share my experiences and the things I have learned.  Especially since....

5.  I'm an Inspiration!
I mentioned in my last blog that Cecilia and Samantha both mentioned running in races after I finished the Half.  Mike is also thinking of training for a race, my friend Janine is looking at taking up running, and my mom and her partner are thinking of getting bikes to start a new exercise routing.  More than anything else that I have learned from the Half is that you never know the impact that you have on others.  I am thrilled to know that I can serve as that inspiration.  Because, as I said earlier, "If I can complete a half marathon..."