Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Because It's Mine

Day 1 of the #loveyourbodychallenge from Molly Galbraith of GirlsGoneStrong.

Reason #1 to Love My Body:  Because It's Mine

I never quite realized how poorly I've treated my body.  I treat it like it will always be there and I will always have the opportunity to makes the changes I would like to see.  But, as I approach 40 (ugh...yes, 40), I realize that there are certain opportunities that have passed me by because of the previous choices I made in life.  I know that I will never be an Olympic gymnast or have the metabolism of a pro athlete (and that's totally ok).  I am learning to own the choices that I have made and and realize that I have to put my past behind me.  (Thank you Rafiki!)  I cannot go back and undo the choices I made when I was younger or even the choices I made yesterday.

On the other hand, just because I cannot go back and change the choices I've made, that does NOT give me an excuse to continue to make the same poor choices.  I can learn from those decisions and CHOOSE to make changes to better myself and my body.  I can decide to exercise and eat right this morning.  Not because I want to look hot in a bikini (though that's a good perk), but because I love my body and I choose to treat it well so that I have a healthy body to live in for all of my life.  When I accept this love and this responsibility, eating right and exercising and treating my body like the temple it is becomes easy and second nature.

Am I going to slip up at times and treat my body a little poorly?  Yep.  And I can own these choices and make them my own.  I hear from myself, my friends and my clients daily that they give up when they feel they have made a mistake.  But, none of us are perfect.  In fact, I'm going to repeat that because it bears repeating: NONE OF US ARE PERFECT.  I cannot undo the choice that I made this morning to have Starbucks with my daughters, nor do I want to.  Was it the healthiest food for my body?  Nope.  But, on a late start morning, absolutely worth the time spent with my daughters bonding over lattes and frappuccinos.

Going forward, I will treat my body with the love and respect it deserves.  Because that love has to start with me.  If I can't love my body and myself, I will always be at the mercy of myself and others.  If I treat my body with love and care, I will define my own worth.  And that definition is the only one that matters.

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